On Sunday, October 1, Youth for Life will be holding a Life Chain in conjunction with other Life Chains around the country from 2:00 - 3:30 at 220th and 99 (in Lynnwood near the Ford car lot). If you have any signs reading "Abortion Kills Children," "Adoption - the Loving Option," "Jesus Forgives & Heals," "Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation," "Abortion Hurts Women," "El Aborto Mata Ninos," "Life - the first Inalienable Right," "Pray to End Abortion," or any other peaceful, non-graphic, pro-life signs, please feel free to bring them.
If you have any questions, e-mail us at youthforlifewa (at) yahoo.com, or, for more information about Life Chain, visit their website, www.lifechain.net.