Holy Saturday is coming, and this year it also happens to be the first Saturday of the month. Please come and pray with the Helper's of God's Precious Infants after 8 am Mass at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Seattle!
As the youth of our generation, we are committed to embracing the Holy Father's call to live the Gospel of Life with courage and conviction. We consider it our duty and great honor to defend the lives of our unborn brothers and sisters in a manner that is both uncompromising and compassionate. We endeavor to show the truth about abortion, to reach out with charity to the women and men whose lives have been affected by abortion, and to reveal the inherent beauty and dignity of every human life, from the moment of conception until natural death.
YFL members in front of St. Mark Parish's new pro-life memorial.
Sacrifice of the Month
Every month, Youth for Life offers a sacrifice in union with the sufferings of Christ for an end to abortion.
For this month, make one holy hour for an end to abortion and for guidance as we contemplate God's Will for us concerning the legalization of assisted suicide.