Your help is needed! On April 11, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote on legislation (S. 5) that would mandate federal funding of the type of stem cell research that requires the killing of human embryos. The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the same bill shortly thereafter. President Bush has vowed that he will veto this bill.
Please IMMEDIATELY communicate with your two U.S. senators and with your representative in the U.S. House, urging them to oppose S. 5. Urge them to support President Bush's forthcoming veto.
The Senate will begin debating S. 5 on April 10, and is expected to vote on April 11.
Our Senators and Representative for Washington are Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, and Jay Inslee. Please see the link on the sidebar, under the Mission Statement, that says, "How do I contact my legislators?" You will find links to contact all three legislators.
Thank you so much!