Wednesday, September 12, 2007



Okay, if you don't remember the millions of things we talked about at the YFL meeting, here they are for your scheduling convenience.

Wash for Life - Saturday, September 15
YFL will be meeting at St. Mark's Parish in Shoreline (last year's Wash for Life location) for the Wash for Life. You're welcome to attend Mass at 9 am. The wash begins at 10 and will go until 4 pm. Feel free to bring buckets and car washing sponges, as well as snacks and your YFL (or other pro-life) t-shirts! (Here is the national website, and here is our name on their national list of car washes!)

NEW - 40 Days for Life Kick-off Rally - September 25
This is the big opening night of the 40 Days for Life! If you're planning on praying at the Seattle branch, their rally will be held at 7:00 pm at the UW Newman Center. There will be speakers, great people, and a half hour spent collectively in front of the Planned Parenthood at the end. If you're planning on attending the Everett 40 Days, their kick-off rally is still being planned, but it will be on the same night. More information to follow.

40 Days for Life - September 26 (not 24, as previously published) thru November 4
As you know from the meeting, there are four Washington locations: Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, and Olympia. To find out about the one nearest you, go to This is the Seattle site, but it links to the other sites as well. If you weren't at the meeting, this will give you all the information you need. You can also sign up for specific hours in Seattle through the Seattle website.

40 Days Sign-up at St. Mark's - September 22 and 23
YFLers are encouraged to come to St. Mark's parish on this Sunday to help sign up St. Mark's parishioners for the 40 Days for Life! Wear your YFL t-shirts! The Masses are 5 on Saturday night and 7:30, 9, and 11 on Sunday.

Life Chain - October 7
This yearly, national event will be taking place (for YFLers) at the intersection of 99 and 220th in Lynnwood from 2-3:30 (not 3-4:30 as previously thought). Come stand and pray in silent witness for life. The national site is

Pregnancy Aid Auction - October 27
There is information forthcoming on this auction. It will be in Everett and YFLers will be needed to serve food and help out!

And remember! October is Respect Life Month. I think we're doing a pretty good job this year of doing as much as possible for this important month! As always, if you have questions, just e-mail us.

God bless you!

*Apologies to the Aggies.