Monday, October 01, 2007

40 Days for Life so far

Its day 6 of the 40 Days for Life campaign and there are some amazing things happening already as a result. Youth for Lifer's are doing their part. For instance, on Thursday morning at 5 am, there were five YFLers praying in front of the Seattle abortion clinic. Other YFLers have gone to the Everett clinic with their whole families! If you haven't gone out to the campaign near you, find a time, bring some friends, and spend an hour or two praying for an end to abortion. Your presence will make a difference and I'm sure God will bless you for spending even a little of your time for such a worthwhile cause. If you want to know more about the other vigils around the country, there is an official 40 Days for Life blog updated daily with highlights. God bless you!