On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, St. Jude's in Redmond is hosting a prayer vigil in front of the Blessed Sacrament for an end to abortion between 6 and 8 pm after their evening Mass.
Ask Your Library to Ban This Book
Planned Parenthood has endorsed a new children's book (for ages 10 and up) called, "Its Perfectly Normal" with pornographic content. So far, a prison and several websites have been among those to ban the book and detailed information concerning it because of the explicit content. (Sidenote here: If a *prison* is rejecting this book as unfit for prisoners, why should children be allowed to read it??? As your webmaster, I watched a video created by the folks at American Life League describing the dangers of the book, and I shudder to think that 4th graders will be casually thumbing through this book!) Please contact the following Washington state libraries and ask them to remove this book from their shelves: Bellingham Public Library, the Everett Public Library, the King County Library System, the Seattle Public Library, the Tacoma Public Library, and the Yakima Valley Regional Library. Most of these will require a phone call, but if you don't feel comfortable with this, you can snail mail a letter. In any case PLEASE don't be shy on this.
Start Student Pro-life Groups and Earn a Little Money, Too.
Want to become a leader in the pro-life movement, actively grow the number of pro-life activists, learn to lead and motivate others, and save lives? Become a Field Representative for Students for Life of America.
You will start with a week of intense training to give you the skills you need to start and help lead pro-life groups on college campuses. Subsequently, you will travel your region for 10 weeks forming groups at college campuses by networking, motivating, and helping students host events.
SFLA will provide the training and resources you need. In addition, we will network you with other pro-life leaders from your region that will help you accomplish your goals. No other job will offer you the opportunity to travel the country to meet and work with pro-life college students while helping them develop into leaders that save the lives of the unborn.
Recent graduates or current students who are interested in taking a semester off are particularly suited for the job. Prior activism, leadership, or pro-life experience is encouraged.
Applicants can email a resume to jobs@studentsforlife.org or call the office 703-351-6280.
Hours: Full-Time
This job is salaried.
Seasonal employment