Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kathy McEntee Has Died

This is the message received today:

Kathy McEntee, founder and president, March for Life of Washington,
died this afternoon (Jan.12) around 3 PM. After suffering a massive
stroke, she never regained consciousness. They removed life support
after tests showed all brain activity had ceased.

Please remember her and her husband, their children, grandchildren,
and extended family in your prayers.

Please also pray that her efforts for the cause of life will continue,
and hopefully soon they will achieve the success for which Kathy and
so many others like her, have strived for years to achieve, with
little support, often facing ridicule and hardship for their efforts.
But she, no doubt, would say that it was worth it, for the cause of
God's little ones.

I believe she received quite a welcome home today:

"Well done, good and faithful servant!"

Rest in peace, Kathy. You've earned it, dear!

As far as I know, the March for Life will continue.