Everett 40 Days for Life Victory Rally
The rally will be held on April 5 from 4:30-7:30 pm in Hensen Hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic parish in Everett.
It's About Life Conference
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, is coming to Olympia and Seattle April 18-19, 2009.
Fr. Frank Pavone will be at the Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill in Olympia on Saturday, April 18, at 3 p.m. He will then preach at the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Olympia. Mass will be followed by dinner and an evening conference. Tickets are available from the Knights of Columbus.
On Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19, Fr. Frank Pavone will preach at the 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Masses at Holy Family Church in Seattle. That afternoon Fr. Frank will lead the Hour of Mercy Prayers, beginning at 3 p.m., in front of the Madison Street Planned Parenthood (2001 E Madison Street). At 5:30 p.m. Fr. Frank will speak at a Social/Dinner/Conference at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Seattle.
Dinner tickets for both nights are $25 per person. Group rates are available. Tickets are limited and will go quickly.
Contact Tom Hruska (360-561-5548) or Matt Ulrich (206-546-3923) for tickets.
One Million Rosaries for Unborn Babies
Consider registering to participate in the One Million Rosaries campaign for an end to abortion on May 1, 2 and 3. Please visit www.saintmichaelthearchangelorganization.org for more information.
Some of the information in this post is courtesy of www.gospeloflifeinstitute.org.