One of the Everett 40 Days coordinators sent an e-mail out this morning with some good reminders:
With less than 2 weeks to go, let us double our prayers and sacrifices. Let us remember to keep an attitude of prayer, all day long, in whatever we do, and especially while we're there at the vigil. I know we're all meeting new friends, and it's exciting. Let us remember that we are there to pray though. By all means, arrange to get together with new friends later.
It helps to have prayers that a group can say aloud together. Reading from the Psalms is an excellent form of prayer. Singing hymns or songs of praise are also good. Catholics like to pray the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Other Christians should not be made to feel uncomfortable, so let's be mindful of that. Here is an excellent booklet of prayer (from Crusade for Life) that can be downloaded and printed. It is specifically designed for praying in front of an abortion clinic and is suitable for all Christians. Lots of good reflections on the Scriptures.
Also, this Friday night at 7 PM, all of you are invited to come out and pray together at the vigil by candlelight. Casey Ross, youth minister at Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes, is bringing his guitar and will lead us in some praise music for about a half an hour. Dress warmly and wear gloves. Rain gear if it's raining, of course. And if you have a guitar or another instrument you'd like to play (including a good voice), feel free to bring it and maybe you can lead us in another half hour of music.