Wednesday night, November 14, is our next YFL meeting. Our guest speaker will be Fr. Gary, a Dominican priest stationed at Blessed Sacrament and the Newman Center. We will also celebrate YFL's 6 year anniversary! This is a meeting you won't want to miss.
You may have heard about the movie Bella, a new film that is being called a pro-life movie. It is coming to Seattle at the Regal Meridian 16 Theater. Some YFL members will be viewing it on Friday the 16 at 9:40, if you want to go with a group. The ticket information is available at this link. You can purchase tickets on-line or by contacting the theater. *Disclaimer* As your webmaster, I feel compelled to tell you that I haven't seen this movie and do not know anyone who has. Therefore, if there is something objectionable in Bella, I apologize for not warning you beforehand. Research the movie here and see it at your own discretion.
This coming Saturday and Sunday, Canadian singer and song-writer Mark Mallet will be at St. Mark's parish giving a mini mission-concert. Saturday night will feature Mark's testimony and concert, along with a free spaghetti dinner beforehand. Sunday night, from 7-9, Mark will hold a mission concert for junior high, high school, and college-aged youth, also at St. Mark's. There will be singing and prayer and all teens are invited! Bring your friends to these amazing events!