Dear Friends of Life,
The Helpers of God's Precious Infants and the organizers of Everett 40 Days
for Life (fall 2007 and fall 2008) will be holding a prayer vigil outside
the Everett Planned Parenthood during all of the business hours of
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Holy Week.
Below is an update on the schedule for Holy Week. Please contact the
Helpers ASAP (go to this link), if you can help. The Helpers ultimately want to fill the
sidewalk throughout the days. Below is where they stand so far:
(Note: It's a priority to fill where you see "need 1" so that nobody is
there alone.)
Wednesday (8-4)
8-9 Need 1
9-10 Covered
10-11 Covered
11-12 Need 1
12-1 Open
1-2 Open
2-3 Open
3-4 Open
Thursday (10-6)
Covered (?)
May still need help from 5-6
Good Friday (9-5)
9-10 Open
10-11 Open
11-12 Need 1
12-1 Open
1-2 Open
2-3 Open
3-4 Open
4-5 Open
Saturday (9-4)
9-10 Covered
10-11 Covered
11-12 Covered
12-1 Open
1-2 Open
2-3 Open
3-4 Open