Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Everett Holy Week Vigil - Updated Times

Here are the hours we need people to fill:

11-Noon Need 1 or more
Noon-1PM Need 2 or more

5-6PM Need 1 or more

Good Friday (Of all days, being the day of crucifixion, and the
innocent unborn bearing a special likeness to Christ, all are
encouraged to come to this modern day Calvary as we commemorate the
death of our Lord)

9-10AM Need 1 or more
10-11AM Need 2 or more
11-Noon Need 1 or more
Noon-1PM Need 2 or more
1-2PM Need 2 or more
3-4PM Need 2 or more


1-2PM Need 2 or more
2-3PM Need 2 or more
3-4PM Need 2 or more

Whether you fill one of the above hours or decide to come when others
are scheduled, please let us know. We would like to have an idea of
how many are coming. E-mail: everett40days@gmail.com.